Our Appraisal Services

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How We Help

We will complete the analysis necessary to develop a report that you can trust, and that meets your appraisal needs.

Services We Offer


Commercial Lending

Meets USPAP requirements as well as federal banking regulations and requirements of the individual clients.


Corridor Studies

A market analysis of the price range paid for similar corridors. These generally are used in the early stages of right-of-way acquisition for pipeline or power/transmission line easements for larger projects. These studies are used to help estimate project costs and sometimes to establish initial offers.

Appraisal To Detemine Price

Purpose is to help owners or buyers determine a fair price on a property. These reports meet USPAP requirements as well as client’s special requirements that might include a listing period or different items included such as mineral rights or personal property like a liquor license or fixtures, furniture and equipment.


Pipe & Power Line Easements

Appraisals of properties from which an easement is needed. These reports meet USPAP requirements, as well as requirements from the Wyoming Eminent Domain Statute. Often times these appraisals include a value estimate of the entire property prior to the acquisition of the easement and once the easement is in place. The report will also include a value of the acquisition itself, which may include the use of other easements as comparables.

Review of Appraisals

Completed under Standard 3 of USPAP and other requirements depending on the nature and scope of the review. These review reports are completed for both private and government clients with various purposes, including USPAP compliance, resolve differences in two reports, etc.               


Highway Projects

In many cases they involve an estimate of the value of the entire property before the highway project and a value estimate after the highway is complete. These types of acquisitions can require extensive analysis on how the new highway impacts the value of the remaining property. These reports meet USPAP requirements, as well as the Uniform Act (Federal Law), 49CFR Part 24 (Federal Regulations), and the Wyoming Eminent Domain Law (State Statute)

Title Conflicts

To estimate the diminution in value caused by a title conflict. Meets USPAP requirements, as well as the clients requirements, and includes a value estimate of the property without the title conflict, and a value estimate with the property encumbered by the discovered conflict.


Other Projects

Includes Private and Government land trades, acquisitions for hunting access, rights to water, wild fire damage, Government property purchases/sales, etc. These other projects tend to be handled on a case by case basis with some requiring a before and after type analysis, and the use of additional experts. The reports are developed under USPAP requirements as a minimum with other agency or client requirements used depending on the nature of the project.